Types of Grants
Types of Grants
In order to satisfy the needs of the community and the wishes of the donors, the Nakusp and Area Community Foundation may develop and support any or all of the following types of grants.
Community Grants Program
This program provides grants with specific and published criteria to qualified donees. The interest income for these grants comes from donated funds which have been undesignated i.e. the donors have not stipulated a specific area of interest where their donation should be directed
This grant program will be activated once each year, April 1. See Granting Procedure for details.
Designated Grant Program
A donor may designate which area of interest their donated funds must be spent. The area of interest must be one already designated as a “Granting Priority” listed in the grant guideline criteria. These grants may be distributed at any time the Board determines a qualifying project application warrants.
Special Project Grants
From time to time, the Board may accept unsolicited applications from an agency/society which identifies a compelling urgent need. Grant funding for these projects must not jeopardize the ability of the foundation to continue with the regular Community Grant Program for that year.
Please note that granting can only be done in our foundation area.