The True Cost of Charitable Giving

It might be less than you think

The following used the tax year of 2008 as an example.

Assume you gave a total of $1000 to charity in 2008

  • The first $200 cost you $158.30 (Tax Credit =  20.35%) Put another way, each $1.00 you gave cost you $0.7915.
  • The remainder ($800) costs you $450.40 (Tax Credit = 43.70%). In other words, each $1.00 you gave cost you only $0.5630.

Assume you give $10,000 through your Will

  • The first $200 costs your estate $158.30
  • The remainder ($9,800) costs your estate $5517.90
  • The total cost of your gift is $5,675.70

What is the impact on your heirs of giving your community $10,000 in your Will

  • If you have two children who will share your estate equally, each of them will give up only $2,837.85
  • If you have three children who will share your estate equally, each of tem will give up only $1,891.90

Remember :

Taxes can reduce the value of your estate a lot:  Capital Gains; RRSP’s and RRIF’s

You can choose to pay taxes to Canada Revenue Agency or to support a worthwhile cause in your community.  What makes the most sense to you?