How To Donate

E-transfer to

Who Gives to a Community Foundation?

Individuals who want to give back to the community
Community minded individuals
Business owners
Board members
Corporations and companies
Charitable organizations
Private foundations

Why Use a Foundation?

Allows for more generalized charitable giving.
Your money continues to give back to the community well into the future.
You receive tax deductions on the amount you give.
All the difficulties in starting one’s own endowment are taken care of by the foundation.

Ways to Participate

Gifts of cash
Bequeath in your will
Real Estate
Starting your own endowment within the Foundation.
Life insurance
Stocks and bonds, securities or corporate giving programs
Volunteering is a great way to contribute without a financial burden
Encourage others to donate to the community through the NACF

Tax receipts will be given for all donations of $25.00 or more. You don’t have to be wealthy to give back to your community. Funds are invested with the Vancouver Foundation, one of North America’s largest and most successful foundations.