Fund Types
Donors designate how their gifts will be used in the community, through the following options:
Community Fund (Unrestricted Fund)
The donor allows the governing board to make the decision on use of the earnings from the fund. A Community Fund gives the Foundation flexibility to address the emerging needs of our ever-changing community. With no specific focus, this fund benefits all facets of the community including: arts & culture, environment, health & welfare, children & families, sports & recreation, youth, seniors and education.
Community meetings will be held to provide a forum to consider priorities and action around emerging and existing community needs and how best to meet them.
Field-of-Interest Fund
The donor specifies a general area of interest (education, youth, seniors, the arts, environment, etc.) and the governing board allocates grants to agencies within that area.
Named Fund
Created to recognize the donor, family, corporation, association, deceased person, honoree, event or other entity. Income can be designated or left to the discretion of the Foundation. Minimum $5,000 to initiate which can be contributed over 5 years.
Donor Advised Fund
Income is distributed annually at the donor’s discretion within Foundation guidelines. Minimum $5,000 which can be contributed over 5 years. The donor enjoys ongoing involvement in the distribution of their gift.
Designated Fund
The donor restricts grants to particular agencies or a specific cause.
The Nakusp & Area Community Foundation gratefully accepts donations to any fund.