Jail birds incarcerated for heinous crimes (from left to right) : Arrow Lakes First Ambassador Sydney Bone, Cedra Eichenauer, and Nancy Bone.

Everyone got arrested from Kootenay Savings Credit Union staff to Nakusp Secondary School students, and even members of the Medieval Society …

… to Protecting Animal Life Society critters and members of the Senior Citizen Association …

No one got away … Brent Wanstall and daughter Lily were hauled into Judge Pat Dion’s court to raise funds for the community.

Judge Pat Dion issuing sentences upon Nakusp Secondary School Principal Peter Gajda and CJHQ The Arrow 107.1 FM Station Manager Chris Ewings

Despite the harsh sentences, everyone had a great time, including President Dave and Judge Pat.

Foundation members (from left to right) : Barb Chuwachka, Karen Hamling, Vivien Berry, and Board Chair Dave Jackson, with Judge Pat Dion.