The Arrow Lakes Youth Society Drama Students had a penny drive to raise funds for the foundation.
Left to right – Devon Leitch, Emily Markholm and Erin McLeod (Avery Palmer- absent).

Dr. Kelland prepares to take her punishment

Happy jail birds, left to right — Diana Kelland, Laura Katchen and Ulli Mueller.

Awaiting judgement – Tracy Kew (P&T), Rhonda Palmer (teacher), Judge Debby,
Dana Christianson (Arrow Lakes News), Rob Shiell.

Begging to get out of jail !

Judge Debby handing down a sentence to the youngest jail bird, Frank Moroz

Lots of smiles in this jail-bird quartet.

Jennifer Cliff-Marks, Sean Beebe, Isaac and Max Thiessen snuck into jail as it looked like a
lot of fun. Judge Deb was thrown in the slammer – her husband Gerry’s idea!!!!